Here at Almost Home Dog Rescue we have made a few changes! We have changed King Arthur’s castle for a more suitable long term residence for him plus we have modified Arthurs old castle to become an isolation and whelping unit.💚 All of this was done with funds from an extremely kind and supportive volunteer 😍 Arthur has been with us almost 2 years and he is a old lad who just wants to live out the rest of his days with people he knows and his own routine. A previous rehoming didn’t work out for him as he takes a long time to trust people and can be unpredictable when excited...which has resulted in him biting a couple of times. Therefore we have decided that Arthur is going to be staying at Almost Home Dog Rescue for the rest of his days as a forever foster. ❤️ That’s why he needed a new castle!👑 We know Arthur has a huge following and a lot of people who love him dearly. He even has volunteers who only come up to walk him! 💕As Arthur is a forever foster, you can sponsor him monthly. These funds can go towards his vet and food bills, also maintaining his new castle to a high enough standard! 💚 We thank you for your on going support and understanding! We simply couldn’t do it without you!💛
After losing the last of my four staffies at Easter 2023, the house felt very empty, but I wasn't quite sure if I was ready to take on another dog again. When Lauren arrived with Bella, despite having dogs most of my life, I still don't think I was quite prepared for what lie ahead. It was so sad to see this emaciated young lady absolutely petrified of everything. With lots of patience and nurture, Bella started to learn that she wouldn't be hurt again. Slowly Bella started gaining confidence, and I could start to learn what she enjoyed. Mostly food, walks and other canine company. So we used those to our advantage. My sister came to visit with her dog lots and from Roxy, Bella learned that human's give cuddles and affection, which is actually quite enjoyable. She also learned that it's safe to enjoy a busy pub beer garden (thanks Roxy!). From Rose and Milo, Bella learned to run and play. With the magic of cheese, Bella has learned amazing recall. In those first few weeks I thought I would never be able to risk walking her off-lead for fear that any nose or sudden movement would scare her to run away, but now is a very different story. Fast forward six months, Bella is now a healthy weight, has a couch to call her own, and loves nothing more than snuggling right in under my armpit, and running free on her walks. It's not all been plain sailing, there have been plenty of challenges, carpet accidents and bins raided, but Almost Home have been so incredibly supportive, I can't thank the team enough!
Benji is an absolute sweetheart. He’s 15 and spends a lot of time asleep (on someone’s knee if he can!) but when he’s awake he runs around ruling the roost! He loves his life here and he makes us laugh all the time. He really is a very special boy.
Buster may have poor eyesight but is big in character, he absolutely loves his walks and adventures round the Welsh hills, you would never guess he is an elderly gentleman, and keeps pace with dogs half his age. It’s taken time and patience but he is now a fully integrated member of the family, we get a buster dance to say good morning everyday and another one at mealtimes. He’s not much into snuggles but loves a fuss on his terms and does love the company of his humans and other dogs, we are very lucky to have our Buster Boo as part of the family.
Dixie took time to settle in but is now a wonderful and gentle boy. On a walk he is a ball of energy but at home he loves a cuddle on the hearth rug in front of the fire.
Eddy had a sad beginning. He was rescued by a brave lady who took him away from the place where he was being neglected. Almost Home gave him the chance to have a life free from cruelty and helped him learn how to eat, drink and trust humans. When they felt that Eddy was well enough to be homed his profile jumped out at us. As a family, we felt we could offer Eddy everything he needed in order to form secure attachments and have a home that he felt secure in and a family he could love and trust. He has been with us only a short time but it’s like he’s always been here. He is adapting to our family’s routine with lots of reassurance and support from us all. He doesn’t like to drink water from the bowl so we encourage him with small treats placed in water and ice cubes that he enjoys crunching. We top up his food with freshwater too. We will continue to encourage him in not being afraid of his water bowl. Eddy loves to cuddle us. He doesn’t understand how big he is so sometimes attempts to get on our laps and we have to firmly encourage him back to his spot where he can snuggle securely, without dominating! We are teaching him new tricks, like waiting before crossing roads and encouraging him not to be so vocal when seeing strangers…we have a way to go here but we are sure we can help him.
Ged is a fabulous older gentleman who went to rescue when his owner died whilst in hospital. He is a brave boy as it was discovered he had testicular cancer when he saw the vet. Was operated on successfully and has now come to live with me and Sally my elderly cocker spaniel. Ged loves playing with toys especially balls. He sleeps well at night and loves a nap during the day. He enjoys short walks sniffing the area for new smells. He is the perfect gentleman who settled well from the time I picked him up. He loves head rubs and being brushed.Thank you for letting him come and live with me.
These girls have settled in very well and are really part of the family now! They can be let of the lead in the fields and the beach, both come back when called. We adore these girls and they are simply amazing.
Maisie had a rough start to her little life. Used for puppies. Left to develop illnesses. Lauren at Almost Home recommended Maisie to us (Jameson and Eli) as Lauren knew we were looking to start a poochy family! Maisie was on the forever foster because of kidney problems. However this did not put us off! We agreed to meet Maisie and we instantly fell head over paws for her! We took her home and we haven't looked back. Maisie has settled right in to this family of three. She seems to be a lot like Jameson... Maisie also loves a cuddle, loves food but hates early mornings too! Maisie has lost the weight she needed to and is much healthier and happier too. She enjoys her walks on the beach and in the forests. We are working on her reactivity with other dogs but we hope that with time she will learn that she can trust us to protect her when out and about. Maisie knew basic commands but has now learnt ' lie down, walk, weewee and stay '.
This little lad was in and out of homes due to his aggressive behaviour. Unfortunately, his behaviour originated from people treating him like a baby, dressing him up and taking him out him in Prams. Stan is a clever lad and learnt if he bit them when they were forcing him to do something, they would then let go and he could do what he wanted.😔 Stan has been with me nearly 18 months. His behaviours are difficult at times, however, he has improved massively! He has trust issues beyond anything I have seen before. However, each week he is slightly calmer and more relaxed! 💙Stan loves to play with cats and dogs. He adores people playing with him, but he doesn’t like being fussed. It takes a long time for Stan to trust you, however, he is 90% there with me now! It’s the little things which mean the most when you take on a dog no one wanted! 🐶 This lad has everyone in stitches and he is so gentle when he needs to be, also he is can stand his ground. We both learn each day and I know I will never have a dull day as long as Stan is around! I wouldn’t change him for the world. 💚