Everyone meet our next residents …. Poppy and Scooby!🩵🧡 These guys came in due to a set of circumstances which included their owner’s poor health. More details will be given at a later stage of the adoption, however it is due to no fault of their own.⭐️ Poppy and Scooby are Jack russels crossed with a cocker spaniel and their date of birth is 31.10.2014. They are used to country life style and being outside most of the time but they adore being with you!💓 Poppy is a gentle girl who loves a cuddle. She can be shy in new places but takes her reassurance from her handler. She soon adapts and feel comfortable. 🥰 Scooby is a cool dude and takes life as it comes. He is happy have a cuddle and loves a good sniff in the fields. This lad loves to show everyone his trick of ‘playing dead’💙 Both dogs have been great since arriving in our care. They are happy to say hello to other dogs but aren’t keen on bouncy / rude dogs. They are good with people and dog savvy children too.🐶🐾 They are learning to walking on lead very quickly and travel brilliantly too. At the vets they were perfect. Both said hello to everyone and waited their turn.🙌🏽 They have both passed health checks, re started their vaccinations, been flead/wormed and are microchipped. Scooby is already neutered and Poppy is now booked in to be spayed. Both need to loose a couple of kgs too!💪🏼 These are sweethearts and everyone who has met them has comments on their fab personalities. They are proper little characters who are going to brighten up someone life.⭐️🏡 Please share these amazing guys so they can find their forever home.🤞🏽 Remember to complete the form below if you’re interested in adoption;